Student Visual Arts Projects

What if I engage with the pain?

How could the visual arts help us to create spaces for inter-generational conversations about violent histories? A collaboration between The Centre fo the Afterlife of Violence and the Reparative Quest (AVReQ) and students from the Visual Arts Department at Stellenbosch University explored this question with a project in which the 3rd year students in visual communication design were invited to respond to the stories featured on this website. Their brief was to illustrate an abstract comic representing a personal response to the story assigned to them and to expand this narrative further in the form of animation.

[btnsx id=”1031″ text=”Bryoni Treagus repsonds to Terence Makubalo’s story” link_type=”url” link=”” wrap_center=”1″]
[btnsx id=”1031″ text=”Erin Johnston responds to Maria Julius’s story” link_type=”url” link=”” wrap_center=”1″]
[btnsx id=”1031″ text=”Alexa Jooste responds to Abdul Baasit Jeppe’s story” link_type=”url” link=”” wrap_center=”1″]
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